Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Today we present our appeal before the Mercer Island Planning Commission asking for a reversal of the City of Mercer Island's decision to allow a 50% reduction to the standard wetland buffer on this property. The following letter to the editor was printed in today's Mercer Island Reporter:

Place for eagles along with people

The recent bald eagle release at Luther Burbank serves as a reminder that our community is not only a wonderful home for people, but also for eagles. Four eagle nests/habitats exist on the Island, and they are protected by both state and federal law. One such habitat (nest #3), exists in a lot currently for sale in our East Mercer Highlands neighborhood and includes a protected tree that is one of Mercer Island’s last, largest old-growth douglas firs. Unfortunately, prospective building plans put this tree at a high risk for severe damage, and the plans also necessitate a variance to the standard wetland buffer. Several arborists agree that this development plan will ultimately lead to the tree’s demise. As concerned neighbors, we would like to see responsible building on this vacant lot and are appealing decisions at both the city and state levels. Current plans call for only a 25-foot buffer around the eagle tree — a tree that is 300 feet tall and eight feet in diameter. The State is currently rethinking its Bald Eagle Management Plan for this property and we are hopeful it will include a much larger tree buffer. The city has approved a variance request to decrease the wetland buffer on this property from the standard of 50 feet to the minimum of 25 feet. Tonight, Feb. 6 at 7:30 p.m., we have the opportunity to publicly appeal the wetland buffer reduction before the Planning Commission. This is an open appeal, so please join us at City Hall tonight and speak up for responsible building on Mercer Island. Help us preserve natural beauty and keep Mercer Island the special place that it is, both for people and eagles!

Debbie Hanson, Gerry Kaelin on behalf of concerned neighbors in East Mercer Highlands.

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